Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil

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Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil


Size: 30 ml

Eucalyptus globulus is the common name, although other names include eucalyptus radiate, eucalyptus citriodora, and eucalyptus dives. The first eucalyptus tree was discovered in Australia and was a member of the Myrtaceae family. In wet regions, such as hillsides or valleys with heavy soil, the trees can reach a height of 380 feet. Eucalyptus oil has a comprehensive range of medicinal uses from treating colds and coughs to nourishing the hair and skin. 


16 in stock


• Eucalyptus oil is highly useful in treating colds, flu, and congestion because it contains a lot of eucalyptol or 1,8-cineole.
• It is antibacterial and antiseptic. This led to it being used for treating wounds, cuts, and burns. It can even be used to deal with insect bites.

• If you have a diffuser, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to it and place it near your bed. You can inhale the relaxing fumes all night long.
• Fill a sink or a dish halfway with very hot water and around 10 drops of your essential oil. Lean over the water, cover your head and shoulders with a towel, and inhale for 5 minutes or as long as you can stand it.
• Massage using a few drops of eucalyptus oil, equal parts peppermint oil, and high-quality carrier oil. Massage the final oil into your aching muscles two or three times per day.
• Soak in a hot bath with 10 to 20 drops of your oil, jump in, and let the oils seep into your skin.

Eucalyptus Globulus Leaf Oil

Helichrysum oil, lavender, tea tree, rosemary, lemongrass, pine, lemon, thyme, cedarwood, peppermint, benzoin, black pepper, ginger, patchouli, juniper, lime, and bergamot are the ideal oils to blend with.

Disclaimer: The strong aroma and menthol content should be avoided during pregnancy. This oil should also NOT be taken orally as it can be toxic.

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